Saturday, December 25, 2010

December 24, 2010 ~ Day 15
Ack! Merry Christmas!

It's just past midnight and I'm hoping that my good intentions will help me squeak this blog back about an hour so that it will count for the 24th... a day that turned out to be wonderful and exhausting all at the same time, and which still hasn't ended because Santa has to wrap all of the presents before the boys wake up in the morning... (and I need to be awake to help place them under the stockings for him, seeing that he's a pretty busy guy).

The best part of today without doubt was sitting around the table, just our little family of five, eating takeout Chinese food and each sharing one thing that we were grateful for. I was especially touched that when we got to our eighteen month old daughter who can say less then twenty words, and my husband asked her what she was grateful for, she said "Brothers". (Well, it came out more like "Bwava" but we all know what she means by that.)

Much as I adore my three older brothers and older sister, I always wanted a sibling close to my own age growing up. So, it is really special to me that my children (mostly) like each other and play together all day long.

Today in the car I told my children again the Nativity story and they were fascinated by the birth of baby Jesus. They're still so young, he is the character in the story that each of them can relate to the most... the baby in the manger. They asked me a lot of questions like, "What did baby Jesus eat, mommy?" and "Did he have brothers and sisters?"...even, "Did baby Jesus like trains?" They were especially excited to know that they would be celebrating his birthday tomorrow.

I am not a fan of the materialism of Christmas in our country, but I really do love seeing the magical-mystical-spiritual aspects of the season through the eyes of my children. When we light candles their eyes glow with wonder; when we bake cookies, they dance around the kitchen. These children are still young enough to believe in miracles and Santa Claus, for which I am truly grateful.

Merry Christmas to you all... I look forward to writing a longer December 25th blog later today. For now, the meaning of my life will be found in watching my children awaken joyfully full of anticipation and happiness... which means I have a lot of wrapping to do.

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